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Digital marketing is not an endless money grab and a necessary evil. 

I'll help you with ways that work and make it fun.

Why and how exactly could I help you?

Let's start traditionally and boringly with the fact that I have been an entrepreneur since 2005. Along the way, there have been many different trainings and things learned through trial and error.

Business Breakfast
Business Breakfast


My mission is to make you feel that selling in digital channels is easy and fun and that marketing is not just a boring chore that drains the bank account.

In the blog and the "Tip of the Week" letter, you will find tools that you can use immediately and use them to improve the chances of achieving your company's goals.


Content production for different channels is fun and clear with the right strategy. Communication is interesting and reaches customers and your company can be found in search engines. The company's story is interesting and it evokes emotions. Everyone can succeed in the world of digital marketing and sales.

Using Digital Gadget


Mää täällä kattelen firman lukuja, niin onhan tää ollu järkyttävän kova vuosi. Mun liikevaihto nousi ’vaivaiset’ 31 042 € ja täähän on nyt sitten ihan sun ansiota. Tässä konkretisoituu tuon näkyvyyden sekä hakusanojen merkitys somessa ja joka paikassa. En Mää tämmöiselle tulokselle  omin voimin olis ikinä päässy. Ja mikään puskaradio ei oo mun kohalla toiminu ollenkaan. Joten iso kiitos sinne ja ennen kaikkea kiitos kärsivällisyydestä ja rautalangan vääntämisestä samasta asiasta moneen kertaan. Olihan huippu vuosi.

Marian Siivouspalvelut, tammikuu 2025 

If I could give more than 5 stars I certainly would. Susanna was referred to me to help my business get better placed with the Google searches. A company can have the best website ever but if potential customers can't find you or your product line it doesn't do much good. Susanna listens and understands your needs and direction. We were able to get my products placed on the first page in the google search results within a short period of time.Susanna listens to you and understands your requirements. She submits an SEO plan with different options for a business to decide which is the best option to use. She follows up to be sure improvements are going in the correct direction. I highly recommend her to anyone or any business that needs help with their SEO placement.


Tom Howard - President

DCS Packaging Company 

Sain paremman tekstin, kuin olisin itse osannut kirjoittaa! Suosittelen todella Susannan palveluita kaikille yrittäjille, jotka tarvitsevat laadukasta tekstiä sivustolleen.

Sain tekstit sovitun aikataulun mukaisesti. 

Sisällössä oli huomioitu avainasiat ja se sisälsi tarvittavan määrän tietoa aiheesta.

-Valmentaja, bloggaaja

Susannalla oli tekstissä erionomainen laatu ja faktat kunnossa 

- Tapahtumatuottaja

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